Frequently Asked Questions
If you are not able to find an answer to your question here then please visit Contact Us.
Is the clothing high quality?
All clothing available in this store has been tested by U Do It as shown in his video content. If it is not good quality then it is not offered to customers. He stress tests every product type to learn about it. His friend and mentor Savvy Turtle also tests the products during his Savvy Blue House restoration.
Will the clothing withstand daily abuse?
Rest assured this clothing can withstand abuse. U Do It is like a gorilla testing his clothing. Everything from framing a shed, fertilizing the lawn, building a cabinet, and even trimming the trees U Do It is wearing his clothing to ensure it can withstand his abuse. If U Do It can wear it then so can you.
This gif was filmed by U Do It’s neighbor Joe at the Bodo Otto House in Mickleton, NJ.
Do you offer shipping outside of the United States?
Thank you for supporting U Do It, Mrs U Do It, No Cheese Records, and Savvy Turtle. At this time we only offer shipping to the United States. Check back to see if that has changed.